Saturday, December 17, 2011

Trusting God Book...My first lesson in Trust

Last night when I arrived home I noticed that my copy of Trusting God had arrived. I'd eagerly awaited its arrival. When you talk about the timeliness of a book release date, this one God ordered it's steps like nothing I've ever witnessed before.

You see, I've been talking about my David and Goliath situation. It seems like this giant is so big it's unbeatable. Well, guess what? In my own strength and power it is. I've been thinking a lot about the arrival of this book before it hit my door step. I'd stared myself in my spiritual mirror and asked the tough question. Do I really trust God with ALL situations? It's easy to trust Him during Mountain top days (Good days when things are great), but what about during the days in the lowest parts of the valley???

I'd finished supper and said to my husband, "I'm gonna take my bible and my book and go spend some time with God before bed. I"m markedly exhausted." He said, "Ok, I'll be in later." I hopped into my pj's, grabbed my Bible, and my new book and climbed into my bed. I made a commitment that before I even opened the cover, I'd pray. So, I began to pray and I made it a simple prayer, "Dear God, speak to my heart through this book. In Jesus' Name-Amen." What would happen after that I never expected.

I thought, I saw that there are videos that correspond with the devotions for each week. So, I took my tablet and got on the Girlfriends in God page. I found the first video. I leaned against the pillows and began to listen. It wasn't long before a lump gathered in my throat. A familiar verse I"d heard all my life finally had BRAND NEW MEANING. It had the word TRUST in it. In the video the definition of the word TRUST in Proverbs 3:5 was given. I NEVER knew that's what trust really meant in that verse. I'd only been scratching the mere surface of that verse every time I'd read it. God had been speaking that same verse to me just last week when this David and Goliath situation began. THIS VERY VERSE He'd been speaking to me. No wonder my head hurt so bad last week. I wasn't listening. I had NO CLUE this was the first verse to begin the book. I finished watching the video all choked up already I grabbed the book and began opened the cover. I read the acknowledgement. More tears. This book was written just for people in situations that seem insurmountable. I read the reviews from popular people. More tears. THEN finally the first devotion...

There it sat, Proverbs 3:5. The first devotion is the one I needed for just last night. God knew! I read the devotion and read the prayer afterwards. I closed the book, dried my eyes, and laid down and began to pray. The only words I could pray last night were this. "Dear God, I bail." In Jesus' Name I pray-Amen.

Trusting God. This book will change forever who you are in Christ Jesus. I"m only on the first devotion and I get to read the second one today! Please do yourself the favor and go buy yourself a copy. Watch the video for each week prior to the reading. Pray before you even crack open the cover and ask God to teach you how to Trust Him more!

To order your book visit:

Learning to trust God More,
Alicia Roark

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